Good Places to Use a Metal Detector

For some going detecting can be a great stress reliever, just being outside amongst nature and fresh air, with family or friends is perfect even without a big find. For others the thrill of the hunt is what keeps them awake at nite thinking about their next detecting expedition.

Sometimes it can be difficult to find the time to go detecting but you don’t always need to travel too far and exotic locations to get your fix of treasure hunting. Local areas can often provide the relaxing scenery and thrills just as well as distant locations without the other hassles.

Metal detecting in your backyard

Surprisingly this is one of the best places to metal detect if you’re a beginner or even an expert honing your skills. You can start with your own backyard and then ask other family or friends, especially ones with large or rural properties.

It’s the perfect opportunity to learn how your detector reacts to various targets such as coins, jewellery, gold and even various trash items. You can first start by passing targets over the coil while it’s off the ground. This gives you an idea of how far from your coil a target can be detected, and the tone your detecter makes with different metal types and distances.

You can then bury different targets around your yard at different depths to see how your detector alerts you to the various targets and how the distance between coil and target changes once the target is in the ground.

Another method may be to just simply sweep your property like you would anywhere else, you would be amazed how many lost coins and jewellery from previous owners some users have found. This is especially true for those with older properties.

One thing to keep in mind is different noise sources such as power lines or under ground cables may effect your detector. Keep away from fences and concrete that may contain metal that might cause issues when you’re in the backyard. Remember to always be very careful when you dig, you don’t want to accidentally hit any utility pipes.

Local Parks

Detecting at a local park where there are grassy fields and picnic areas is a great option. Some Good places for metal detecting are areas with lots of foot traffic or places to sit and rest. 

Walking the playing field often produces great results especially for coins. Just be sure players and spectators have packed up for the day.

Make sure to remain respectful of the environment and stay out of garden beds and if you find trash, take it with you.

You will find that although most local neighbourhood parks are ok to detect in, National parks are typically off limits. Make sure you do your research by contacting the relevant authority.

Local Beaches

Beaches not only provide great scenery and fresh air, it also provides an abundance of people that may have dropped some items, especially during hot weather or events.

Learning where to metal detect at the beach just takes a little bit of experience. The obvious choice would be where beach goers sit and relax on the sand in the sun and grassy areas used for picnics. Don’t forget to search under piers or jetties where people often congregate to escape the sun.

Look for spots where seaweed and sea shells are collecting on the shore from waves or currents, as these areas may contain freshly washed up targets. Don’t forget to get out early after a storm or particularly high tide, as this can push any potential treasures from the ocean floor back on to the beach.

A friends best metal detector find was at a beach, helping a young couple to find a wedding ring. It took a few hours of detecting in the hot sun, but when it was finally located he was treated to more than a few cold drinks.

Stadiums and Arenas

Although these are private property you can often gain permission to do some detecting. Be aware that often after an event such as a concert, you won’t be the only one searching for coins and jewellery.

Make sure you keep your distance from fellow detector users as you can interfere with each others machines.

If you can try and detect around the stage where patrons have been dancing their nite away and perhaps dropping some drink money. Look for the quickest route from the stage to the toilets and refreshment areas and detect along those pathways.

Remember to keep your eyes peeled, as most finds are not done with the detector at all. Also don’t dig up the turf, most targets will be very close to the surface and should be retrievable with fingers or a small screw driver.

Fairs, Fates and Carnivals

Any event held in parks or fields are another great place to search for a bounty. A lot of places have dedicated show grounds for these types of events, which again would be private property but event organizers are usually more than willing to allow those that ask permission.

Look for dirt or grass areas where there has been or still are food trucks or side shows, anywhere people might be dropping a few coins without noticing. Many of these events have large area where people can sit and have a picnic, so be warned, you will find a lot of trash in these areas.

Of course with these kinds of events, there is always lots of friendly competition with fellow detectorists, so make sure you get in early.

Local schools and Colleges

These offer fields, grassed seating areas, play grounds and often small dirt trails or pathways between buildings. Again these are often places that you should obtain permission to detect in.

Playgrounds are a great source for lost coins, especially under anything kids can go upside down on. You can also take it as an opportunity to remove any scrap metal from kids playgrounds and do your good deed for the day.

Look for dirt or grass trails leading to cafeterias, dropped coins can be found off the walking paths.

As with anywhere, if you dig, you must make sure you fill in your holes, we don’t wan’t any kids hurting themselves.

Farming fields

Often farming fields have been in one family for multiple generations often on or near historical grounds, leading to some very interesting relic hunting finds. Lost keepsakes or heirlooms have been found on private property because of the fact that most farms are private property.

Typically most treasures have been located around old barns and homesteads, but excellent finds are still to be had in the fields themselves. Most have never been detected on, be prepared for plenty of trash while sweeping the fields.

Remember it’s important to obtain permission to set foot on private property and make sure that you are open with the owners about using a metal detector. 

Woodlands or Forests

Possibly some of the best scenery available while metal detecting and a good location for a long stay detecting vacation.

Woodlands and forests offer a variety of opportunities for detecting. Depending on the location coins, jewellery, relics and gold can all be up for grabs.

Look for hiking and biking trails, along the trails, rest stops and scenic lookouts are all good places to metal detect. Old camp sites can be a good places, but be prepared for a seemingly endless amount of bottle caps and pull tabs.

Watch for animals, where possible keep one ear out of your headphones and pay attention to your surroundings.

Again depending on your location, some of these areas do not allow metal detecting, you should contact your local forestry office or parks and rec office.

Gold Fields

A permit is often required on public access goldfields which can be obtained through the relevant website, some gold fields allow you to obtain them on site. It would be safer to check online before you go to avoid disappointment. Some gold fields span on to private property and this makes it a must to get permission to gain access.

Gold fields tend to have already been heavily detected, this isn’t to say you cant strike it rich. Just be prepared to work for it. If you have decided to invest int the latest gold detector, its defiantly worth going over previously detected ground again. 


Using google and typing metal detecting near me may not produce exact locations, but it will bring up local metal detecting stores and clubs. Stores and clubs are a wonderful resource when it comes to detecting, especially when you’re from out of town or plan to go detecting in another State or Country. They will know which areas are off limits, which areas are best and be able to give you some tips such as machine settings and coil sizes for the area.

Please remember, to be sun smart and have plenty of water with you. Be mindful of dangerous animals and insects. Have a way of reaching out for help in case of emergency, such as a mobile phone or satellite phone and let others know where you are going if you are detecting by yourself. 

Always be sure to leave your metal detecting sites free from holes or rubbish and up hold the reputation of the metal detecting community.

Detector Guru